Configuration XML syntax

This page describes the content of a policy file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

This is the basic beginning to an XML file. Do not change it.


AggregatorConfiguration: The main node for all the configuration options. (Single)

runtime section #

This section controls general behaviour for TFS Aggregator, e.g. authentication, credentials or logging level.

    <runtime debug="False">

runtime: Configure generic behavior. (Once, Optional)

  • debug: turns on debugging options (Optional, default: False)
        <rateLimiting interval="00:00:10.00" changes="10" />

rateLimiting: Define how Aggregator rejects incoming requests. (Once, Optional)

  • interval: Timespan to validate. (Optional, default: 00:00:01.00)
  • changes: Maximum number of changes in interval. (Optional, default: 5 )

Use RateLimiting.policy to test your configuration on a server.

        <logging level="Diagnostic"/>

logging: Define logging behavior. (Once, Optional)

  • level: The level of logging. (Optional) Valid values are:
        <script language="C#" />

script: Define script engine behavior. (Once, Optional)

  • language: The language used to express the rules. (Optional) Valid values are:
    • CS,CSHARP,C# – default value
    • PS,POWERSHELLExperimental!
        <authentication autoImpersonate="true" />
        <authentication personalToken="abcd1234654sdfsfsdfs45645654645" />
        <authentication username="user1" password="password1" />

authentication: Define authentication behavior. (Once, Optional)

  • autoImpersonate: false (default) the TFS Service account, true the user requesting. (Optional)
  • personalToken: A Personal Access Token. (WebService, Optional)
  • username: A Username. (WebService, Optional)
  • password: A Password in clear text. (WebService, Optional)
        <server baseUrl="http://localhost:8080/tfs" />

server: Define server configuration. (2.1, Once, Optional)

  • baseUrl: Forces the URL that Aggregator use to access TFS. (Optional) Can be useful is TFS is misconfigured, or you have some special requirements. Avoid to use if possibile.

snippet sections #

These sections can contain helper code to write the Rules (see below).

    <snippet name="MySnippet">

snippet: Represents a code macro rule. (2.2, Repeatable)

  • name: The name of this code macro. (Mandatory)

functions sections #

These sections can contain helper code to write the Rules (see below).


function: Contains methods callable from rules. (2.2, Repeatable)

rule sections #

This is the core of this file: these sections contain the Rules applied to work items.

    <rule name="Noop" appliesTo="Task,Bug" hasFields="System.Title,System.Description">

rule: Represents a single rule. (Repeatable)

  • name: The name of this rule. (Mandatory)
  • appliesTo: The name of the work item type that this rule will target. (All: *, List, Optional, List separators: ,;)
  • hasFields: The work item must have the listed fields for the rule to apply. (All: *, List, Optional, List separators: ,;)
  • changes: New,Change,Delete,Restore (default) what change event triggers the Rule. (WebService, Optional)
  • content: the script to execute when the rule triggers. (Mandatory) The self ($self in PowerShell) variable contains the work item that triggered the plugin. The self ($self in PowerShell) variable contains the work item that triggered the plugin.

We recommended using CDATA to wrap script code. See Scripting for additional details on Rules’ code.

To invoke a snippet the syntax is ${_nameOfSnippet_}.

policy sections #

These sections maps rule to Collections and Projects.

    <policy name="DefaultPolicy">

policy: Represent a set of aggregation rules that apply to a particular scope. (Repeatable)

  • name: The name of this policy. (Mandatory)

All scopes must match for the policy to apply (logical and).

        <collectionScope collections="DefaultCollection" />

collectionScope: Scope the policy to a list of collections. (Optional)

  • collections: The TFS Collection to which the policy applies. (All: *, List, Mandatory, List separators: ,;)
        <templateScope name="Scrum" />

templateScope: Scope the policy to Team Projects using a particular Process Template. (Optional, Repeatable)

DEPRECATED: our implementation does not work with VSTS or recent versions of TFS.

  • name: Name of Process Template matching. (Mandatory, mutually exclusive with typeid)

templateScope requires that name must be present.

        <projectScope projects="Project1,Project2" />

projectScope: Scope the policy to listed Team Projects. (Optional)

  • projects: List of Team Project names. (All: *, List, Mandatory, List separators: ,;)
        <ruleRef name="Noop" />

ruleRef: Reference to a previously declared rule. (Repeatable)

  • name: Name of existing Rule. (Required)

Rules apply in order.