This page describes the content of a policy file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This is the basic beginning to an XML file. Do not change it.
AggregatorConfiguration: The main node for all the configuration options. (Single)
runtime section #
This section controls general behaviour for TFS Aggregator, e.g. authentication, credentials or logging level.
<runtime debug="False">
runtime: Configure generic behavior. (Once, Optional)
- debug: turns on debugging options (Optional, default: False)
<rateLimiting interval="00:00:10.00" changes="10" />
rateLimiting: Define how Aggregator rejects incoming requests. (Once, Optional)
- interval: Timespan to validate. (Optional, default: 00:00:01.00)
- changes: Maximum number of changes in interval. (Optional, default: 5 )
Use RateLimiting.policy to test your configuration on a server.
<logging level="Diagnostic"/>
logging: Define logging behavior. (Once, Optional)
- level: The level of logging. (Optional)
Valid values are:
– default valueVerbose
. See the Help page for more information: TFS Aggregator Troubleshooting
<script language="C#" />
script: Define script engine behavior. (Once, Optional)
- language: The language used to express the rules. (Optional)
Valid values are:
– default valueVB
– Experimental!
<authentication autoImpersonate="true" />
<authentication personalToken="abcd1234654sdfsfsdfs45645654645" />
<authentication username="user1" password="password1" />
authentication: Define authentication behavior. (Once, Optional)
- autoImpersonate:
(default) the TFS Service account,true
the user requesting. (Optional) - personalToken: A Personal Access Token. (WebService, Optional)
- username: A Username. (WebService, Optional)
- password: A Password in clear text. (WebService, Optional)
<server baseUrl="http://localhost:8080/tfs" />
server: Define server configuration. (2.1, Once, Optional)
- baseUrl: Forces the URL that Aggregator use to access TFS. (Optional) Can be useful is TFS is misconfigured, or you have some special requirements. Avoid to use if possibile.
snippet sections #
These sections can contain helper code to write the Rules (see below).
<snippet name="MySnippet">
snippet: Represents a code macro rule. (2.2, Repeatable)
- name: The name of this code macro. (Mandatory)
functions sections #
These sections can contain helper code to write the Rules (see below).
function: Contains methods callable from rules. (2.2, Repeatable)
rule sections #
This is the core of this file: these sections contain the Rules applied to work items.
<rule name="Noop" appliesTo="Task,Bug" hasFields="System.Title,System.Description">
rule: Represents a single rule. (Repeatable)
- name: The name of this rule. (Mandatory)
- appliesTo: The name of the work item type that this rule will target. (All: *, List, Optional, List separators: ,;)
- hasFields: The work item must have the listed fields for the rule to apply. (All: *, List, Optional, List separators: ,;)
- changes:
(default) what change event triggers the Rule. (WebService, Optional) - content: the script to execute when the rule triggers. (Mandatory)
in PowerShell) variable contains the work item that triggered the plugin. Theself
in PowerShell) variable contains the work item that triggered the plugin.
We recommended using CDATA to wrap script code. See Scripting for additional details on Rules’ code.
To invoke a snippet the syntax is ${
policy sections #
These sections maps rule to Collections and Projects.
<policy name="DefaultPolicy">
policy: Represent a set of aggregation rules that apply to a particular scope. (Repeatable)
- name: The name of this policy. (Mandatory)
All scopes must match for the policy to apply (logical and).
<collectionScope collections="DefaultCollection" />
collectionScope: Scope the policy to a list of collections. (Optional)
- collections: The TFS Collection to which the policy applies. (All: *, List, Mandatory, List separators: ,;)
<templateScope name="Scrum" />
templateScope: Scope the policy to Team Projects using a particular Process Template. (Optional, Repeatable)
DEPRECATED: our implementation does not work with VSTS or recent versions of TFS.
- name: Name of Process Template matching. (Mandatory, mutually exclusive with typeid)
templateScope requires that name must be present.
<projectScope projects="Project1,Project2" />
projectScope: Scope the policy to listed Team Projects. (Optional)
- projects: List of Team Project names. (All: *, List, Mandatory, List separators: ,;)
<ruleRef name="Noop" />
ruleRef: Reference to a previously declared rule. (Repeatable)
- name: Name of existing Rule. (Required)
Rules apply in order.