CLI Commands

Aggregator CLI Commands #

This is the complete list of Aggregator CLI commands. Click on a link to read a full description.

logon.azureAzureLogon into Azure. This must be done before other verbs.
logon.adoBothLogon into Azure DevOps. This must be done before other verbs.
logon.envBothLogon into both Azure and Azure DevOps using Environment Variables. [v0.9.14]
install.instanceAzureCreates a new Aggregator instance in Azure.
add.ruleAzureAdd a rule to existing Aggregator instance in Azure.
map.ruleAzureMaps an Aggregator Rule in Azure to existing Azure DevOps Projects, DevOps events are sent to the rule.
map.local.ruleDockerMaps an Aggregator Rule hosted in Docker to existing Azure DevOps Projects, DevOps events are sent to the rule. [v1.0]
list.instancesAzureLists Aggregator instances in the specified Azure Region or Resource Group or in the entire Subscription.
list.rulesAzureList the rules in an existing Aggregator instance in Azure.
list.mappingsAzureLists mappings from existing Azure DevOps Projects to Aggregator Rules.
invoke.ruleBothExecutes a rule locally or in an existing Aggregator instance.
configure.instanceAzureConfigures an existing Aggregator instance (currently the Azure DevOps authentication).
update.instanceAzureUpdates the runtime of an Aggregator instance in Azure.
configure.ruleAzureChange a rule configuration (currently only enabling/disabling).
update.ruleAzureUpdate the code of a rule and/or its runtime.
update.mappingsAzureUpdates any mapping from an old Aggregator instance in Azure to a new Aggregator instance.
unmap.ruleAzureRemoves a mapping to an Aggregator Rule from a Azure DevOps Project.
remove.ruleAzureRemove a rule from existing Aggregator instance in Azure, removing any mapping to the Rule.
uninstall.instanceAzureDestroy an Aggregator instance in Azure, removing any mapping to the Rules.
logoffBothLogoff removing any locally cached credential.
helpBothDisplay more information on a specific command.
versionBothDisplays the Aggregator version.

You can see a few Command examples in Sample Aggregator CLI usage.

Exit codes #

Aggregator CLI returns 0 when a command completes successfully. You can check the return code using %ERRORLEVEL% in cmd, $LastExitCode in PowerShell, or $? in bash.

Exit CodeMeaning
0Command succeeded
1Command failed
2Invalid argument(s) or unknown command
3Specified resource(s) not found e.g. in list commands
99Unexpected internal error

Environment Variables #

Telemetry [v0.9.14] #

Aggregator CLI collects anonymised telemetry data, to report on which commands and command options are most used.

You can turn off telemetry by setting the AGGREGATOR_TELEMETRY_DISABLED to a true value, e.g.


The Runtime Engine, running in the Azure Function, does not collect any telemetry data.

Automatic Version Check [v1.0] #

You can turn off the automatic check for new CLI version, setting to a true value:


Shared secret [v1.0] #

Aggregator_SharedSecret is used by the map.local.rule command for initial authentication. Use a long complex password. This value must be identical on CLI and the Docker container.