The first step for using Aggregator CLI is to logon into both Azure and Azure DevOps.
You can a single command, logon.env
, or two separate commands,
and logon.ado
. The former is most useful in an automated scenario, while the other two can be more practical in an interactive session.
Use the logoff
command to remove any cached authentication data. #
Logon into Azure. This must be done before other verbs. The credentials are cached locally and expire after 2 hours. Takes four mandatory options.
Option | Short form | Description |
--subscription | -s | Azure Subscription Id. |
--tenant | -t | Azure Active Directory Tenant Id. |
--client | -c | Service Principal Client Id also known as Application Id. |
--password | -p | Service Principal password also known as Client secret. |
logon.ado #
Logon into Azure DevOps. This must be done before other verbs. The credentials are cached locally and expire after 2 hours. Takes three mandatory options.
Option | Short form | Description |
--url | -u | Account/server URL, e.g. . |
--mode | -m | Authentication mode. Currently the only valid mode is PAT . |
--token | -t | Azure DevOps Personal Authentication Token. |
logon.env [v0.9.14] #
Logon into both Azure and Azure DevOps using Environment. The credentials are cached locally and expire after 2 hours. It has no specific options.
Environment Variable | Description |
AGGREGATOR_TENANTID | Azure Active Directory Tenant Id. |
AGGREGATOR_CLIENTID | Service Principal Client Id also known as Application Id. |
AGGREGATOR_CLIENTSECRET | Service Principal password also known as Client secret. |
AGGREGATOR_AZDO_URL | Account/server URL, e.g. . |
AGGREGATOR_AZDO_MODE | Authentication mode. Currently the only valid mode is PAT . |
AGGREGATOR_AZDO_TOKEN | Azure DevOps Personal Authentication Token. |
logoff [v0.9.14] #
Logoff removing any locally cached credential.