
Build and deploy #

The build-and-deploy.yml pipeline is encompassing all steps required to publish all Aggregator components. This build is triggered by any push of commits or tags as long as they touch the /src/ directory or a workflow.

Some steps and jobs runs only for a tag starting with v, others when the build is run on the default master branch: you see a label v or m or both aside each conditional phase.

Steps can leverage dotnet local tools. Currently we use:

  • sonarscanner
  • coverlet
  • reportgenerator

To ensure cross-platform portability, almost every build step is executed on Linux (ubuntu-latest GitHub environment) to counterbalance Windows development. The only step on Windows builds the Docker Image for Windows.

Build #

The whole /src/aggregator-cli.sln is built and restored. Build configuration is Release. Assembly version is GitVersion majorMinorPatch and preReleaseTag.

Unit tests #

Unit tests use /src/unittests-* projects and include Code Coverage via coverlet. Test data is included in Sonar analysis.

Integration tests [vm] #

Integration tests will create resources in our Azure Subscription. They use a logon-data.json file defining the Azure Resource Group, the Azure DevOps Project, and credentials to access them. The file content is pulled from GitHub Secrets and removed when done.

SonarQube [vm] #

The build runs an initial PowerShell script at its start, to assure that all .csproj have a valid ProjectGuid property. This hack is still required by Sonarcube scanner. The scanner collects all test results and code coverage data. For convenience the code coverage information is available as HTML pages in the build artifacts thanks to ReportGenerator.

Package [v] #

The binaries for the Function Runtime and the CLI (in three OS flavor) are collected, zipped and uploaded as artifacts for later publishing.

Draft GitHub Release [v] #

Packaged Artifacts are downloaded and their hash computed. A new draft Release is created with the artifacts and description from Next-Release-ChangeLog.md. The Release may need additional editing before publishing. When the draft is published, additional workflows will trigger.

Docker build #

Docker builds the two /docker/linux-x64.Dockerfile and /docker/win-x64.Dockerfile using the entire repo as context (there are some odd dependencies). The workflow defines two build arguments MAJOR_MINOR_PATCH and PRERELEASE_TAG. The set of tests in unittests-function.csproj is not run. The tags used for the images are uploaded as build artifacts.

Docker push #

Creates a docker manifest (aka manifest lists) to include both the Windows and Linux image under a single tag and generates the lastest image. It uses the tags generated in the previous step. The images and manifests are published to two Registries:

  • Docker Hub
  • GitHub Container Registry Finally, the README for DockerHub is published using a jinja2 transformation.

Visual Studio Marketplace #

This workflow is triggered by the Publishing of the new GitHub Release.

Uses the tfx (aka TFS Cross Platform Command Line Interface) to refresh the Visual Studio Marketplace page for Aggregator using the content of the /marketplace directory.

Twitter #

This workflow is triggered by the Publishing of the new GitHub Release.

Use an Action to advertise on Twitter the availability of the new release.

Documentation #

This workflow (publish-on-master.yml) is used to validate pull requests and publish when merged on the default master branch.

It uses Hugo and the hugo-book theme to generate the site, which is then published via GitHub Pages on a different repository.