Basic examples

Basic Rule examples #

To start with simple rules you can see here some examples, for more usage please see Advanced Examples

Hello World #

A trivial rule that returns some core fields of the work item which triggered the rule.

$"Hello { self.WorkItemType } #{ self.Id } - { self.Title }!"

Auto-close parent #

This is more similar to classic TFS Aggregator. It moves a parent work item to Closed state, if all children are closed. The major difference is the navigation: Parent and Children properties do not returns work items but relation. You have to explicitly query Azure DevOps to retrieve the referenced work items.

string message = "";
var parent = self.Parent;
if (parent != null)
    var children = parent.Children;
    if (children.All(c => c.State == "Closed"))
        parent.State = "Closed";
        message = "Parent was closed";
        message = "Parent was not closed";
    parent.Description = parent.Description + " aggregator was here.";
return message;

Work item update #

Check if a work item was updated and execute actions based on the changes, e.g. if work item Title was updated.

if (selfChanges.Fields.ContainsKey("System.Title"))
    var titleUpdate = selfChanges.Fields["System.Title"];
    return $"Title was changed from '{titleUpdate.OldValue}' to '{titleUpdate.NewValue}'";
    return "Title was not updated";

History #

PreviousRevision is different because retrieves a read-only version of the work item.

return self.PreviousRevision.PreviousRevision.Description;

Create new Work Item #

var parent = self;

// test to avoid infinite loop
if (parent.WorkItemType == "Task") {
    return "No root type";

var children = parent.Children;
// test to avoid infinite loop
if (!children.Any(c => c.Title == "Brand new child"))
    var newChild = store.NewWorkItem("Task");
    newChild.Title = "Brand new child";

    return "Item added";

return parent.Title;

Iterate Successor Work Items #

var allWorkItemLinks = self.RelationLinks;
foreach(var successorLink in allWorkItemLinks.Where(link => string.Equals("System.LinkTypes.Dependency-Forward", link.Rel)))
    // load successor from store
    var successor = store.GetWorkItem(successorLink);

    //do update of successor with e.g. title of self
    successor.Title = "new Title: (predecessor " + self.Title + ")";

return self.Title;

For additional link types see here.

Iterate linked Test Cases #

// assume self is a 'User Story'
var allTests = new List<string>();
foreach(var testedByLink in self.RelationLinks.Where(link => link.Rel == "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TestedBy-Forward"))
    var testCase = store.GetWorkItem(testedByLink);
    allTests.Add( $"{testCase.Id.Value} - {testCase.Title}" );
// display the linked test cases
return string.Join(",\r\n", allTests);

For additional link types see here.