Scripting the Rules

Script languages

You can use C# and VB.Net to write your rules. Powershell also works but we had little tested it.

C# and VB

You can use only types from these assemblies: * System * System.Core * Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client * Aggregator.Core Any other reference will result in compile errors.

The following namespaces are imported (C# using, VB Imports): * Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client * System.Linq * Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.CoreFieldReferenceNames * Aggregator.Core and descendants


You can make your code more modular, using macro snippets or functions.

<snippet name="MySnippet"><![CDATA[
    logger.Log("You entered MySnippet snippet.");

  int MyFunc() { return 42; }

<rule name="MyFirstRule" appliesTo="Task" hasFields="Title"><![CDATA[
    logger.Log("Hello, World from {1} #{0}!", self.Id, self.TypeName);
    logger.Log("MyFunc returns {0}.", MyFunc());

This way you can reuse the same code in multiple rules.